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    方频阳,男,博士,讲师。 20047月在西北工业大学获得材料成型与控制专业学士学位;20049月攻读西北工业大学材料学硕士学位;20059月开始硕博连读,并于20104月获得西北工业大学材料学博士学位; 20105月在西安工业大学材料与化工学院陕西省光电信息功能材料重点实验室工作。

    目前从事铁电、高温压电材料研究。承担陕西省教育厅科研专项项目1项,西安工业大学校长基金一项。近年来以第一作者在Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Alloy and Compound等期刊上发表学术论文7篇,其中SCI收录6篇。被Materials Science and Engineering BJournal of the American Ceramic Society国际期刊邀请为审稿人。


[1].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Laijun Liu, Jin Chen, Structure and dielectric properties of Cu and (KNa) doped SrBi2Nb2O9 ferroelectric ceramics. Journal of Electroceramics, 2009, 23:52-55

[2].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Laijun Liu, Jin Chen, Jin Li, Dielectric properties and microstructure of Sr0.2(K,Na)0.2Bi2Nb2O9 ferroelectric ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 477: 828-831

[3].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Shaojun Qiu, Laijun Liu, Jin Chen, Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 powders by the comples polymerization method: synthesis, characterization and morphology, Journal of Sol-Gol Science and Technology, 2009, 50: 290-295

[4].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Shaojun Qiu, Laijun Liu, Jin Chen, Effect of calcination temperature on the microstructure and morphology of Bi3.25La0.75Ti3O12 powders synthesized from polymerized precursors, Key Engineering Materials, 2008, 368-372: 1555-1557

[5].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Jin Li, Xiaohua Jia, Fujun Liang, The dielectric properties and the relaxation phase transition of the copper substituted the SrBi2Nb2O9 ferroelectric ceramics, Solid State Communications, 2009, 149: 2074-2077

[6].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Jin Li, Fujun Liang, Lanthanum induced larger polarization and dielectric relaxation in Aurivillius phase SrBi2-xLaxNb2O9 ferroelectric ceramics, Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 107: 064104(1-4)

[7].  Pinyang Fang, Huiqing Fan, Jin Li, Lei Chen, Fujun Liang, The microstructure and dielectric relaxor behavior of BaBi4-xLaxTi4O15 ferroelectric ceramics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 497: 416-419



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